11 July 2009


Hello, World.

I have here for you today a soothing cure for your blog-battered eyes--my very first foray into public blogdom. Take a screen grab; it'll be worth something some day (and make sure you date-stamp).

I've held off sharing my semi-illuminating opinions for quite some time. This is somewhat due to the fact that I didn't want to fall into the same category as every other Tom, Dick and tween Britney who think that the minutiae of their existence is so profound that they are compelled to share with the billions of internet-connected individuals around the world the timings of their bowel movements (thanks Twitter!) and the name of the song to which they cried after their boyfriend said Hannah Montana sucks and the accompanying catharsis in the form of a pornographic YouTube video in the guise of an 'I just love dancing' striptease.

But it was also because I am always thinking of you, dear readers. I thought that you deserve better than another half-baked, I'll-post-once-in-a-blue-moon blog concept (blogcept). So I gave myself time to come up with an idea for which I would have sustainable enthusiasm. Nice, right?

Well, apparently all good things come to those who wait, because eureka! Lo and behold I have come up with such an idea.

I humbly introduce to you, AdKandy!

AdKandy is for those of us who appreciate advertisements as a creative form--or at the very least, as a force of cultural influence. They can be sweet; they can be sour. They can make us feel good; they can make us feel sick. They can be savoured one at a time, or we can devour them in a successive blast.

So, here I've made--just for you--a venue to eat up ads like candy.

AdKandy is a platform to look at, appreciate and discuss interesting advertisements (they'll all be print ads for now), making observations, cultural connections, parallels, critiques (or whatever else they may incite in that profound consciousness of yours whose outpourings you just can't resist sharing with billions of others) along the way.

Sure, we can demonize ads like the majority of the population would have us do. Or we can accept the Truth. Some ads are fun to look at. Accept it. Love it. Devour it. Eat AdKandy.

Yours sincerely,

The KandyMan

PS - To request an autographed copy of the screen grab you took above, write to me at kandyman (at) adkandy (dot) com.


Leia said...

Excellent! I have always been in awe of the creative ingenuity behind certain ads. Can't wait to read about your thoughts on the ones you like best.

M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M said...

we're a bit of a wiseacre arent we.

Anonymous said...

love your blog, now send me some candy, kandyman!
guess who?

Unknown said...

great stuff! Looking forward to new posts!



KandyMan said...

Thanks all.

Yeah, Leia, ads are really a force when it comes to influencing mass consciousness, and I think it's important to realise this, to form an opinion on them and to think about what they're doing. A big reason as to why I started this site.

Zack, thanks for stopping by. I'll keep posting, so make sure you keep visiting and commenting with some feedback and your own opinions! I checked out your websites. Very interesting. Also hope to see what onesum is all about.'
