16 July 2009

The Blood Test

No matter how comfortable they claim their product makes a woman feel, I am always left feeling awkwardly uncomfortable after a feminine hygiene commercial.

It's not the permanently plastered facial expression of euphoria on a woman prancing around doing yoga like she actually believes she's a mystic Indian nor the alleged everywoman who goes synchronized swimming with her other girlfriends because that's just what she does during her downtime that's bothersome. That's all fine.

The problem is, it's just that I have an over-active imagination. And when they show me those serene images and then flash their product, I quickly get to thinking, wait...what would it be like if they WEREN'T "always fresh" in that situation? What's the opposite of that picture? And it's ads like the one below that get me thinking.

When I first saw this ad, I grunted out a laugh and thought, "Hah, clever." That was short-lived. Quicker than a nerd can say "Harry Potter," my imagination went into overtime and worked out the implications and consequences of a vampire with tampon teeth. Know what it came up with? "Ew. Wait. What blood is he sucking?"

Sorry, ladies, maybe I'm just still immature. I'll be the first to admit it.

So, maybe the mature thing to do is to recognize that Vampire-->Blood-->Menstruation is just an obvious progression...

What do you guys think? Let it all soak in, form an opinion and leave a comment to let us know what you think.


Leia said...

Ew, ew, ew.

M said...

i think he uses them for his own hygiene

Unknown said...

haha - let it all soak in. no pun intended, huh kandyman?

this ad is REALLY ew, but at the end of the day, whether ppl think it's disgusting or not, it's still getting a reaction. i mean, the FIRST thing i did, after looking at the ad, was look to see which brand was advertising the tampons.

this sells, in the nastiest way possible.