I didn't really write much about it. So what was so good about it? It didn't just show us what the product does, it implied. But that's not the impressive part.
I mean, any company can throw a bag of cash on a hot ass celeb's lap and say, "You love our product, don't you?" to make their tongue roll out and have them pant and nod harder than a lhasa apso with its head out a car's window. Though that may still be effective, because, like a game of telephone, when it gets to your eyes and ears the message becomes: "Use this. Obviously you're not as skinny, pretty or sexy as this hottie...but you could be," it's not exactly creatve, no is it?
But some ads take the time to think about the product, the brand and come come up with something hot.
"Tabasco. It's hot as hell!"
We get a little bit of sex appeal with the firey red lips. The tattooed tongue's pretty cool and not only gets you wondering what kind of girl this is, but it burns an association of the product into our heads.
Even the placement of the Tabasco bottle next to the mouth tells us something practical about the product.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, we have ad perfection. And when this ad dies, it's going to ad heaven.