25 November 2009

Now in Technicolor

Colour me impressed:

11 November 2009

Every Man Has A D-Spot

Davidoff may not make the best cigars, but they've got cigar-lovers down to a 'T' with this series:

14 September 2009

Sales Bitch...er...Pitch

We all know women love shopping. I'm not being sexist. I'm just stating a law of nature.

It also follows that sales would be a beloved phenomenon. The sale as an outlet for female aggression has been well-documented in academic and time-tested popular culture mediums, for example, the films Clueless and Confessions of a Shopaholic.

With these associations ingrained into our society's brains, this is how Horse and Hound has decided to interpret them:

What does it seem like they're calling you, ladies? Remember...I didn't say it.

Please direct all angry emails to Horse and Hound.

Thanks for stopping by!

The KandyMan

07 September 2009

Sweet Sweet Love

To satiate your sweet tooth on this fine Monday, I have for you not an ad, but controversial packaging on....whadyaknow....CANDY! Take a look:

My cousin sent me this article on the stir the wrapping's caused in the UK.

Now, I'll tell you truthfully, KandyAddicts--to me it looks like these deliciously tantalizing, saliva-inducing, mouth-inhabiting sweeties are going at it like hippies on LSD in the 60s (no offense, hippies; we love you).

Not that I had any doubt from looking at the thing, but for those of you who do, just take a closer look. They've even put in the lines to show them girating movements. As if the positioning itself wasn't enough.

Speaking of positioning, don't look too hard, ladies and gents. There's somethings candy can't teach you.

Sometimes you have to get offline and explore the world for yourselves!

Until next time,

The KandyMan

18 August 2009

Camel What?

Another Monday; another ad for you thirsty, thirty or so kandy addicts (yep that's how many regular visitors I get. Can you tell your bloody friends how awesome this site is? Don't you people have friends?)

Anyway, I'll put the emotional blackmail aside for now and throw this ad from Honda at you:

At first glance, this ad from Honda is pretty clever!

An essential message for their business is being advertised: use only Honda parts for Honda vehicles. And they seemingly worked the message into an ad with humour, fun and even a bit of the constantly female-endorsed 'cute factor' ('cuz who doesn't love camels (right, Joe?)).
Very nice and light hearted.
Makes sense, right?

I thought so. But then I got to thinking about the ad, and my brain, as it tends to do, started smashing the implications of the ad around all four corners of my otherwise empty head...

You know what it came up with? This is actually a pretty controversial ad!

Honda, what are you REALLY saying here?
1) What exactly happened to this dude to make him need spare body parts? (Did he crash one of your motorbikes? That's something I should definitely not be thinking about that after seeing your ad!)
2) The guy has replaced his for-some-reason damaged body parts with animal parts, yes?
3) So Honda, what you're saying is you do not agree that this man should use animal parts to replace his implied non-functioning body parts? Ok, fair enough.
4) Honda instead suggests that one should use original parts--does that mean cloning? Stem cells? Or going to the underground body part market?

I came out thinking Honda vehicles will make you lose body parts, and Honda supports cloning, stem cell regeneration, etc for you to get back to your good old pre-Honda self.

Maybe I'm being silly, but this is what I thought about after seeing that ad. And ads are all about manipulating thought and creating associations in favour of your product and brand.
And Honda, what I saw was disaster...

Seeing your ad was love at first sight.
But then after living with it for a while, I became more and more wary.
You make me feel as though I may now know what married people are always on about...

Tell me, am I overthinking it and knocking Honda for the sake of it? Is this actually a pretty good ad?
I can't tell.
Leave a comment with your thoughts below.

11 August 2009

Monday Uppers

It's Monday, people!

Wakey up, and start your week off right. With a great ad from Nescafe...

This is probably one of my favourite ads I've come across so far since becoming a kandy-addict.

Visually awesome. I'm pretty sure my marijuana-inclined followers could probably spend a good few hours staring at this (until they realise it's an ad for coffee, which then makes them think of food, followed by, "ooh, munchines, dude!" and eventually forgetting the ad ever existed).

Who says sleep is unproductive? They've turned a buncha zzzz's into some pretty damn impressive advertising.

So simple of an idea, Nescafe deserves a trail of corporate, 9-5er, mindless zombies drawn into buying buckets full of their coffee after this one.

Not that corporate 9-5ers are mindless zombies, I just meant those tough Monday mornings sometimes need some sprucing up (but then again, that's not to say them corporate 9-5ers aren't mindless zombies...)

Happy Monday,


22 July 2009

Burn baby, burn

The last ad I showed you guys with Olay and Peter Pan got me thinking.
I didn't really write much about it. So what was so good about it? It didn't just show us what the product does, it implied. But that's not the impressive part.

I mean, any company can throw a bag of cash on a hot ass celeb's lap and say, "You love our product, don't you?" to make their tongue roll out and have them pant and nod harder than a lhasa apso with its head out a car's window. Though that may still be effective, because, like a game of telephone, when it gets to your eyes and ears the message becomes: "Use this. Obviously you're not as skinny, pretty or sexy as this hottie...but you could be," it's not exactly creatve, no is it?

But some ads take the time to think about the product, the brand and come come up with something hot.

This one by Tabasco is brilliant. You can't help but think up the caption yourself:
"Tabasco. It's hot as hell!"

We get a little bit of sex appeal with the firey red lips. The tattooed tongue's pretty cool and not only gets you wondering what kind of girl this is, but it burns an association of the product into our heads.

Even the placement of the Tabasco bottle next to the mouth tells us something practical about the product.

Here, ladies and gentlemen, we have ad perfection. And when this ad dies, it's going to ad heaven.